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The Daily Orange is Syracuse’s only nonprofit newsroom that delivers essential coverage at no cost to its readers. But more than that, it’s run by students who work tirelessly to produce award-winning projects that inspire change.

Unlike other campus media outlets, we don’t receive any funding from Syracuse University—and that’s by choice. We rely on supporters like you so we can cover the university fiercely and fairly while creating unparalleled learning opportunities for students.

The Daily Orange is an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Our tax identification number is 16-0993654. If you have any questions or concerns about making a gift, please email [email protected].

Make Your Gift

Giving to The Daily Orange is simple, safe, and secure using our online portal:

The Monthly Orange Members

The Daily Orange believes the relationship between a community and its news outlet should be a two-way street. Becoming a monthly donor means you recognize the value in what we offer. By giving a monthly gift, The Monthly Orange Members are declaring that they’re invested in The D.O.’s coverage of local and national news. The Daily Orange shows its gratitude for The Monthly Orange Members with a small token of appreciation in their first year of monthly giving. Members also receive a special listing within our online honor roll of donors.

Monthly Amount

Total Annual Gift











Other Ways to Give


Checks made out to The Daily Orange may be mailed to:

The Daily Orange

230 Euclid Avenue

Syracuse, NY, 13210

We can provide a donation receipt via mail or email. Please make sure to include a return address or your email address if you wish to receive a receipt.

Matching Gifts

Matching gifts are a great way to increase your support of The D.O. without additional out-of-pocket expense. Thousands of companies and corporate foundations match gifts to nonprofit institutions like The Daily Orange. Contact the human resources office at your employer, your spouse's employer or even your former employer, if you are retired, to inquire about their matching gift program.

Naming Opportunities

Support from generous donors can pave the way for Syracuse University's next generation of journalists, visual storytellers and nonprofit leaders. Naming opportunities are one way to make a lasting impression on the future of journalism at The Daily Orange. To learn more about or discuss a potential naming opportunity, contact [email protected].

Planned Giving

By including The Daily Orange in your estate plan, you can create a lasting legacy at Syracuse University. In many cases, a legacy gift enables you to make a more significant impact than you thought possible while allowing you to achieve your overall financial, philanthropic, and estate planning goals. Contact [email protected] for more information.